Schedule & Class Descriptions

Class Descriptions:
Find Your Flow!
Zumba: Cardio Dance Party Fitness for everybody and every body! Each Zumba® class is designed to bring people together to sweat it on. We take the "work" out of workout, by mixing low-intensity and high-intensity moves for an interval-style, calorie-burning dance fitness party. Once the Latin and World rhythms take over, you'll see why Zumba® Fitness classes are often called exercise in disguise. Super effective? Check. Super fun? Check and check. A total workout, combining all elements of fitness – cardio, muscle conditioning, balance and flexibility, boosted energy and a serious dose of awesome each time you leave class.
Yoga-lates: This class is the beautiful pairing of two revered movement practices: Pilates and Yoga.Yoga-lates is a core focused class that pulls from the ancient asanas of yoga as well as the core centered movement of Pilates.You will flow through the fundamentals of both practices.There is an emphasis on creating that “long, lean, dancer body” as well as cultivating a centered focused mind. The combination of yoga and pilates is a wonderful blend of meditation, strength, and flexibility for a centered joyful mind and body. Join me in these wonderful movement practices.
Gentle / Beginner Yoga: A beautiful mix of Hatha and Hatha Flow Yoga suitable for all ages and all levels. Geared towards those new to yoga or wanting a more gentle practice. We will integrate meditation, breathing techniques, and postural alignment through the asanas to achieve being more present in mind, body and spirit. You will learn how to build strength, balance and flexibility creating a solid foundation rooted in good alignment, body awareness, breath and heart. Let’s have fun and share in the joy of Yoga!
Yoga: A beautiful mix of Hatha and Hatha Flow Yoga suitable for all ages and all levels. We will integrate meditation, breathing techniques, and postural alignment through the asanas to achieve being more present in mind, body and spirit. You will learn how to build strength, balance and flexibility creating a solid foundation rooted in good alignment, body awareness, breath and heart. Let’s have fun and share in the joy of Yoga!
Ballet Fit: Ballet Fit develops the length and tone of a dancer's body with the strength and cardio burn of an athlete. The focus on balance, strength and flexibility gives the student a complete head to toe work-out. No dance experience needed. All you need is a willingness to try something new. I have created this work-out with my extensive ballet background using a ballet class foundation infused with pilates, yoga, fun movement combinations and great music. The class begins with a center barre warm-up (no barre used so your core is immediately engaged for balance) incorporating pilates floor work as well. We then move into Yoga stretches and ballet adagio movement phrases. Then take it to the air with small jump combinations. We then fly and twirl with across the floor moves. Finally ending with an easy to learn, fun dance combination focusing on cardio burn. Come join me and try out this fun total 'head to toe' body toning work-out!!!
Divine Flow: Wear your favorite goddess outfit you can move and groove in. Class begins with a sharing circle, crystal intention setting, & chakra tapping warmup. Then dance your cares away with guided improv & a fun easy to follow tribal inspired dance combo, ending with a classic stretch and mediation cool down. Come join this fun joyful sacred gathering!
Hula Hoop Dance class with Lois